The Ministry of Melancthon Jacobus

After commenting on Jacobus yesterday I discovered a book (at Google books) containing memorial addresses upon his death .  The addresses are powerful and moving, evidence of a significant life of ministry.  Two key things mentioned of Jacobus were his vast knowledge of Scripture and his care for people- 2 essential elements for a pastor.  Here are two excerpts on these points:

One unfailing resource with him in all emergencies was his thorough knowledge of the English Bible. This prince among scholars and ecclesiastics rose above all his peers in other departments of learning by his familiar acquaintance with the Word of God. The facility and aptness of his Scripture quotations were as surprising as they were edifying. Who can forget the rich and beautiful recitations of Bible sentences beside the sick-bed and at the burial of the dead. How we miss his voice and his Scripture citations to day!

Another source of his appropriateness in his addresses and speeches was his quick sympathy with others He took their measure entered into their minds and felt with them as well as for them In his sermons he bridged over the distance between the pulpit and the pews… He would anticipate objections that they might make or questions they might ask and put them into words for them or he would ask them questions and answer in their place…”

The book is well worth reading, considering our own labors and what their result will be.  May we give ourselves to the Word of God and the people of God.

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