I am excited about participating this weekend in “Fools for Christ, An Inklings Weekend at Montreat,” a conference sponsored by the Inklings Fellowship and organized by my colleague, Hal Poe.
Here is the official conference description:
I Corinthians 1:18-25 “for the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom”
Join us to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the conversion of C. S. Lewis to faith in Christ.
Beginning our retreat on April Fool’s Day we will consider the tradition of the godly fool in the writings of Lewis and Tolkien.
Puddleglum from The Silver Chair – Don King
Merry and Pippin from The Lord of the Rings – Rebecca Hays
Lucy from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader – Nigel Goodwin
The Narnians from The Last Battle – Hal Poe
I will have the privilege of giving the Saturday morning devotion on the theme, “The Resurrection: The Ground of Christian ‘Folly’.”
The official deadline for registration has passed, but if you are in the area you might be able to contact Dr. Poe and still be able to register.
Shep! I just noticed I never answered your question! Sorry!
Some audio was captured though not all. I assume what they have will be posted on the INklings site linked above.
This sounds amazing, Dr. V. Do you know if there will be audio available afterwards?
Grace and peace,