Archive of entries posted on March 2009
Basil the Great, "Speak of God’s Glory"
Several weeks ago now Dr. Craig Blaising was in Union’s chapel as a part of our Psalms Project. He gave a wonderful address titled “The Psalms in Early Christian Worship.” Blaising basically demonstrated how the early church fathers sought to teach their people to pray from the Psalms. Drawing from his work on the recently …
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Particular Baptist Ecclesiology
I am excited to see James Renihan’s dissertation now available in book form! The full title is Edification and Beauty: The Practical Ecclesiology of the English Particular Baptists, 1675-1705. In the past I have only been able to access this for brief periods of time through interlibrary loan. Here is my blurb on the back …
9 Marks, Advice for Young Pastors
The latest 9 Marks ejournal is now available (in pdf as well). Below is the table of contents with links. This is a great resource for younger and older pastors. The article that most caught my eye is Leeman’s “Love the Church More than Its Health.” I have too often had pastors want to tell …
Calvin for Children
John Calvin, Simonetta Carr Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Series) (Reformation Heritage Books, 2008), hb., 63 pp. Ages 5+ In this 500th year since Calvin’s birth many books about his life are being released. I have already commented on Doug Bond’s forthcoming book on Calvin. This book is the first in a new series which …
Shackelton and Camaraderie
I recently finished listening to The Endurance: Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition, by Caroline Alexander. Ever since I first heard the story of Shackleton’s perseverance through a year and half adrift on ice, the sea and an isolated, frozen island I have been captivated by it. It is a moving story of leadership and perseverance. Much …
Bud & Me- Amazing True Story
Bud & Me : The True Adventures of the Abernathy Boys, Alta Abernathy (Dove Creek Press, 1998), hb., 162 pp. Ages 4+ This is a truly amazing book! It relates one of those stories which make me think, “Why have I never heard of this before?” For sheer remarkableness and fun it deserves a wide …
Singing Psalm 128
It may seem that I have gone “Psalm-crazy” from my recent posts, and that assessment would not be altogether inaccurate. Over the years as I have discovered how generations of Christians were nurtured on the Psalms and have seen various historical examples of the faith that blossomed from such nurturing, I have longed for this …
Psalms Project Site
Brian Denker has set up a blog site to house information on the speakers for the Psalms Project which I have been commenting on here. At the site you can see the upcoming schedule as speakers as well as get the links for the audio of addresses already given. This is the place to go …
Doug Bond on the Psalms
Regular readers of this site will know that Douglas Bond is one of my family’s favorite authors. We were blessed with the opportunity of having Doug in our house for a few days last week. Doug was here to speak in chapel as part of Union’s Psalms Project. You can read some about his address …