John Brown of Haddington on Frequent Communion

Kudos to Gregory Soderberg for this new edition of this important essay by John Brown of Haddington! I have for years said this piece deserved republication for a new audience. You can see an earlier blog post here. At the time of that post, WorldCat only showed 3 copies of the booklet in the US. …

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Pastoring in Hiroshima

One of the great things about reading history is that you stumble upon powerful examples. I am currently reading David Roll’s Ascent to Power: How Truman Emerged from Roosevelt’s Shadow and Remade the World. After describing the events leading up to the bombing of Hiroshima and the devastating effects of the atomic bomb, Roll related …

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Recognizing and Responding to the Messiah

This Spring Union University Press released its latest book, Recognizing and Responding to the Messiah: Sermons on the Gospel of Mark, edited by Justin Wainscott and myself. For quite a few years, chapel services at Union have included a series through a book of the Bible. We call this our WORD series. This book contains …

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