April 12-13, 2013 the Ryan Center for Biblical Studies will be hosting the conference, “Read, Pray, Sing: The Psalms as an Entryway to the Scriptures.” The conference theme captures two key points about the Psalms. First, the Psalms have been given to us to use in reading, praying and singing. Too often, all we do with them is read. Reading the Psalms is wonderful, but there is no need for us to miss these others uses which have been such a rich blessing to the church through the ages. The psalms give us words to express ourselves to God, tutoring us in growing in a rich relationship with God.
Secondly, the Psalms teach us the rest of the Bible. Martin Luther was fond of calling the Psalter a “mini-Bible” saying that all the themes of the Bible are summarized here in miniature. In fact as we seek to use the Psalms in our prayers and song, we are schooled in reading the scriptures in light of Christ, as Jesus himself taught us (Luke 24:27).
So, we will pursue this theme together being led by plenary speakers Andy Davis and Heath Thomas with breakout sessions from several Union faculty members. Also on Friday night we will have a Psalm-sing, taking the opportunity to sing a variety of Psalms in different styles.
The conference is intended for pastors, bible study leaders and anyone who wants to enhance their own study of the Scriptures. Until March 11 (the early registration deadline) the cost is only $50.