Here is a good word from a great new commentary on how the Psalms can help shape our worship and a warning on how we can easily worship a false god under the guise of worshipping the one true God. This is a needed warning for the church.
“Like the temple worshippers, Christians too need to be sure they are worshipping their God in accordance with what he has shown himself to be. They may not be constructing a visible idol, yet their conception of him may not be biblical. They may not think of him simply as just, but also as harsh, not simply as loving but also as sentimental. As we have seen, Psalm 50 shows us that it is possible to call him Yahweh and yet to be thinking of him as if he is Baal. The Psalms with their God-centered theology are a most effective antidote to wrong thinking about God and so may be effective in reforming our worship.”
(Geoffrey Grogan, Psalms, The Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary, p. 408)