General Editor, Edward Engelbrecht
The Study Bible is based on the ESV text. It is truly an international project with contributors from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, England, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Haiti, India, Kenya, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, South Africa, Ukraine, and the US. As occasional illustrations it uses engravings by 19th century Lutheran artist, Julius Schnorr von Carlsfeld (who was influenced by Durer and Holbein). As introductory matter helping people to read and understand the Bible it contains a nice summary essay on Bible reading and interpretation, an essay on Law & Gospel, Luther’s Small Catechism, and an essay on the unity of Scripture. It also has a copy of the lectionaries, a two-year reading plan, a topical index, and a significant “Biblical Chronology and World History.”
Within the Biblical text it keeps a running chronology and has four types of notes. First it has the regular study bible notes explaining various portions of the text. Second, there are “Law and Gospel Application Notes” which summarize sections calling for application and praise since Bible reading is to be a devotional act. Third, quotes from Church fathers are included in many places. Fourth there are extended articles in various places. Each book also has an introduction.
The notes are written from a clear, conservative, evangelical perspective. Kudos to Concordia for producing this useful study tool.
I'm grateful too that he was able to educate me as to the differences. I'm somewhat ignorant about the Lutheran Denomination.
Thanks for your comments about The Lutheran Study Bible, and thanks too for helping the brother understand the difference between those who use the name Lutheran, but are not, and those of us who use it and mean it.
Cordially, in Christ,
Rev. Paul T. McCain
Concordia Publishing House
Thanks. I learned something today.
Yes, you are correct Joe.
That vote took place in the ELCA denomination. This study Bible is published by Concordia Publishing House which is connected to the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. As thre are various Baptist & Presbyterian denominations, so there several Lutheran ones. I continue to be impressed by materials produced Concordia.
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod for example roots itself in inerrancy whereas the ELCA does not affirm inerrancy. You can see more here:
I'm asking out of ignorance–when you say "clear, conservative" you mean the writers would not line up with those who voted to allow sexually active gay clergy in the Lutheran Church? Thank you.