This is a great quote on the work of teaching our children the faith. I saw this in Patrick McGill’s work on a catechism for his church. It comes from the original introduction to the Heidelberg Catechism.
“For from the beginning of the Christian church all the godly have been diligent to instruct their children in the fear of the Lord, at home, at school and in the church. They did so undoubtedly for the following reasons which shall induce us also to do the same. In the first place they rightly took into consideration the fact that unborn wickedness would get the upper hand and then pervert churches and civil governments unless it were countered in time by salutary doctrine. In the second place they had the express command of God in Exodus 12 and 13 and in Deut. 4, 6 and 11 where the Lord says, ‘and these words (the Ten Commandments) which I command you this day shall be upon your heart and you shall teach them to your children, . . .’ Finally, just as the children of Israel, after circumcision and as soon as they were able to understand, were instructed in the mystery of this covenant sign, and also the covenant of God, so our children too are to be instructed.”
Hey Al!
We also use Ascol's TAG books. That is the best way I know. We do not use Heidelbeg at this time, though I like it. My main point with this intro is the usefulness of catechisms.
Can you please share some advice on using the catechism with your children, especially at their various age levels? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. 🙂
FYI: We use Ascol's Truth & Grace Books currently and have found it very useful for consistency.
Looking forward to hearing about your ideas.