Archive of posts tagged galatians
The Reformers & Paul the Pastor
Yesterday I received my copy of Gerald Bray’s inaugural volume on Galatians and Ephesians in the Reformation Commentary on Scripture Series. It looks great! In his introduction Bray makes the point of the pastoral emphasis of the Reformers and how Paul was a key example to them. “They [the Reformers] were also determined to imitate …
Paul and Pastoral Love
Yesterday Lee Tankersley preached a great message on Galatians 4:12-20 and how the gospel develops a deep love between members of the church. Before the sermon ever began, I was gripped simply by the reading of this text, and the heart for the Galatians which Paul exhibits. It is so important in this, perhaps the …
Galatians and Growing in Grace
I think God is really teaching and growing me in the realm of grace and much of it is tied to the book of Galatians. Eric Smith who is preaching through Galatians has commented on this (here and here) and has helped me in conversation. At our church, we have been walking through Galatians as …