I am pleased to be busily working on two conferences through the Ryan Center for Biblical Studies for 2011. I believe both will be helpful for pastors and laypeople.
This Spring we will host our regular bi-annual Bible study conference. This time our theme will be “Read the Bible for Life” and our plenary speaker will be David Platt. The conference theme is taken from the book and initiative written by George Guthrie and focuses on the desperate need of raising the level of biblical literacy within the church (introductory video). Platt will address the theme and there will be training sessions for churches and groups wanting to use the “Read the Bible for Life” material. Michael Card will also be joining us to teach and sing.
The conference will run from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon, April 15-16, 2011. The cost for the full conference will be $50 with registration opening later in the fall.
Then, in the Fall, September 15-17, 2011, we will host “KJV400: Legacy & Impact” with plenary speakers Leland Ryken, Timothy George, and John Woodbridge. 2011 will mark the 400th anniversary of the publication of the KJV, which many have hailed as the most significant literary work ever produced in English. We will consider and celebrate the impact of this translation in various realms of life recognizing this instance where the church shaped the culture of its day rather than simply following it. Union faculty members will present papers examining the impact of the KJV on their various disciplines including literature, history, theology, music, business, political science, and science. Cost and registration information will be made available closer to the time.