I have had the privielge of reading through the draft of Nathan Finn’s new edition of Robert Hall’s Help to Zion’s Travellers soon to be published by Borderstone Press. This book was orignially published in 1781, and had significant influence on William Carey and others involved in the renewed mission efforts of that day. Finn has edited the book with some additional notes, and most significantly provides an introductory essay which does a great job explaining the setting in which this book emerged and its influence.
Here is the blurb I have written for the book:
Nathan Finn has done pastors as well as historians a great service in providing thsi new edition of Robert Hall’s Help to Zion’s Travellers. Finn’s historical introduction itself is insightful and edifying. It is a joy to discover a lesser known, faithful servant, to see his impact and to learn from him. Help’s to Zion’s Travellers is a helpful volume, particularly the “Experimental Difficulties” section which contains much helpful, sound pastoral direction on matters of the soul. Hall was no mere theoretician, but a pastor experienced in the dealings of the soul pasing on what he has learned to those willing to listen. May the Lord use this new edition to encourage a multitude of pastors who may not garner fame but will be faithful in the care of souls.