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I previously announced the creation of a new consultation of the Pastorals at the Evangelical Theological Society to begin meeting this Fall. As stated before, the overall goal of this consultation is to explore the ways that the exclusion of the Pastoral Epistles has impacted the work of Pauline theology and how the inclusion of the Pastorals would inform the same work.
Now, I am pleased to announce the presenters and paper titles for this inaugural session. Here are the details of the session:
Session Title: “The Place of the Pastoral Epistles in Pauline Theology”
Moderator: Ray Van Neste
Robert Yarbrough: “The Pastoral Epistles in New Testament Theologies from Tubingen to Thielman”
Timothy Swinson: “The Pastoral Epistles and Perspectives, Old and New”
Greg Couser: “‘Life on Life’: Explorations in Paul’s Understanding of Eschatological Life”
Frank Thielman: The Pedagogy of Grace: Soteriology, Ethics, and Mission in Titus 2:11-14
We are pleased to have each of these scholars participating. Bob Yarbrough’s paper will open the discussion by surveying how the Pastorals have been treated or ignored. Tim Swinson’s paper will examine what the Pastorals might contribute to one of the major discussions in Pauline theology, the New Perspective. Greg Couser will examine “life” terminology in 1 Timothy in comparison with the wider Pauline usage seeking to discern how 1 Timothy would contribute to Pauline theology in this area. Frank Thielman will investigate soteriological themes in Titus 2-3 in comparison with those themes elsewhere in Paul.
This promises to be a very beneficial discussion. I hope to see you there.