Recently David King, pastor of Concord Baptist Church in Chattanooga, visited my pastoral ministry class and shared ten key reflections on pastoral ministry. I asked David to come because he is a great example of faithful, patient ministry, holding fast to the Word and really loving his people.
We all benefited greatly from David’s comments, and he graciously agreed to type up a summary of what he said for me to post. His ten exhortations were:
1. Get as much help as you can as early as you can for as long as you can.
2. Don’t be naive.
3. Fear God more than man.
4. Enjoy people.
5. Ditch the God-family-church pie chart.
6. Trust God to work through the simple preaching and teaching of his word over time.
7. Resist ministerial lust.
8. Brace yourself for rigorous but rewarding work.
9. Consider unreached areas.
10. Keep your heart happy in the triune God and his glorious gospel.
I encourage you to read the whole thing here.