In the meantime, let me recommend Joel Beeke’s excellent brief article in the most recent Tabletalk. Justin Taylor recently noted that this month’s Tabletalk articles were available online, and I was caught by Beeke’s title, “True Shepherding.” Beeke speaks powerfully on the role of the pastor in shepherding the flock- a topic often discussed here.
Here are a few quotes:
“…don’t regard grieving people as an interruption… Grieving, hurting people are what ministry is all about. We must not think of our churches and our parishioners in terms of numbers or cases; rather, we should think of our churches as hospitals where the wounded and grieving come to us, seeking our biblical guidance and loving care”
“If we do not shepherd them in their sorrows, we are hirelings, not shepherds, and should repent of our indifference.”
This is a great two page piece. I encourage you to read (and print to keep for the future!) the whole thing.