Preaching the Cross
(Crossway, 2007), hb., 176 pp.
(Crossway, 2007), hb., 176 pp.
The book containing the addresses from the conference is now available! I have looked through the book and it looks excellent. After I have time to read it I will comment further, but I wanted to go ahead and draw attention to the book. It looks like a very good one for pastors.
Here is the table of contents:
Introduction 9
1. A Real Minister: 1 Corinthians 4- (available online)
Mark E. Dever 17
2. Preaching Christ from the Old Testament
J. Ligon Duncan III 39
J. Ligon Duncan III 39
3. Preaching with the Culture in View
R. Albert Mohler Jr. 65
R. Albert Mohler Jr. 65
4. The Center of Christian Preaching: Justification by Faith
R. C. Sproul 89
R. C. Sproul 89
5. Preaching as Expository Exultation for the Glory of God
John Piper 103
John Piper 103
6. The Pastor’s Priorities: Watch Your Life and Doctrine
C. J. Mahaney 117
C. J. Mahaney 117
7. Why I Still Preach the Bible after Forty Years of Ministry
John MacArthur 137
John MacArthur 137
Appendix: Together for the Gospel Affirmations and Denials (2006) 161