I am absolutely loving this new edition of the Psalms published by Crossway.
After Martin Luther translated the Psalms into German it is said that he carried a little volume of the just the Psalms with him everywhere. It was his constant companion, prayer guide and summary of the entire Bible. Several years ago I decided I wanted a copy of the just the Psalms which I could mark up and pray through. I printed all 150 psalms and placed them in a three ring binder.
That tool has been wonderful for me, but it is bulky and fragile. Then a month or so ago I received this new copy from Crossway. It is beautifully produced, small, hardy and has plenty of room for notations. Also the paper is thick enough for writing, not the very thin sort often found in Bibles. Last month I was in Pike National Forest and took my copy on a morning hike so I could read and pray from one of the summits. That would have been more difficult with my three ring binder.
I hope this hardy and handy copy of the Psalms encourages many people to re-engage the Psalms.