The psalm my family sang together last week was Psalm 131, using this metrical version to the tune usually associated with “O God, Our Help in Ages Past.” It works very well, is quite singable and is faithful to the text. We have really enjoyed it.
O Lord, My Heart’s Not Lifted Up (Psalm 131)
O Lord, my heart’s not lifted up;
My eyes aren’t raised too high;
With things too great and marvelous,
I am not occupied.
I’ve learned to calm my fretful soul,
And hush my clam’ring fears;
My soul is like a weaned, young child,
Content his mother’s near.
So in the Lord let all the hope
Of God’s redeemed now be,
From this time forth and evermore,
Through all eternity.
Only this morning did I discover that this metrical version was prepared by Justin Wainscott! I had picked it up from Chris Matthews but just assumed it came from a standard Psalter. Well done, Justin!
Give it a try. This is another good metrical psalm version for singing at home and at church.