For the Heart of Holland, Piet Prins
Struggle for Freedom Series, vol. 4
(Inheritance Publications, 2008; English translation), pb., 162 pp.
Ages 8+
I have commented on the previous three volumes of this series here, here and here. Our favorite one is still the first volume.
When we heard that the fourth volume was out we were eager to hear the continuation of the story and to know what happened to Martin and Boudewyn who have become central characters in our world. This book is more difficult than some others due to geography and some vocabulary which is less familiar to us (and I expect to most American readers). However, it is well worth the effort to know the historical story of the struggle of Dutch Christians for the freedom of worship. It is so easy to be ignorant of what has gone on in the rest of the world. It is encouraging to hear stories of divine intervention in the struggles for freedom in other countries (lest we think we are the only ones whom God has blessed!). In reading books from Inheritance Publications I have become fascinated with this whole struggle in the Netherlands.
As in the other books the characters provide good examples of faithfulness, courage, perseverance, sacrifice and devotion to the gospel. The account of the privation of the citizens of Leiden is also a useful thing for our children to hear and to help us be mindful of how blessed we are.
On a humorous note, my boys did dub this book, “the grossest book ever.” This designation was earned by the fact that Martin developed a love interest in a young lady within Leiden. When she and the others were finally rescued by the heroic efforts of Martin and the Sea Beggars, Martin kissed her. The “kissy stuff” earned this special title, even though we enjoyed the book.
So we commend this book to you. We need to know the story of the Sea Beggars, William of Orange, and this brave struggle for freedom.
NOTE: Amazon does not currently have this book. You can order it directly from Inheritance Publications. It is difficult to find things on the site, but you can even email them from the site. I was unable to find a page with a photo and description of the book.