Earlier this year I mentioned The Call conference for pastors to be held at Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh, Scotland. I was blessed to be apart and benefited from all the messages. I have mentioned some of them along the way but just recently noticed that video of all the messages has been posted online. So, here are the messages:
The Shepherd’s Soul: Jeremy Walker (video)
One of my joys in this event was the opportunity to get to know Jeremy. His message was a searching and powerful one on the call to holiness, sure to remind us of our need of grace.
The Shepherd’s Ministry to the Church: Brian Croft (video)
Brian, who is well known for his practical insight and advice concerning pastoral ministry, summarized the key aspects of pastoral ministry as seen in Scripture. You will notice that many of the top priorities he lists come under what I refer to as “oversight.”
The Shepherd’s Ministry beyond the Church: Matthew Spandler-Davison (video)
Matthew gave a strong call for outreach and evangelism. He is living what he preaches with his church’s regular mission trips to specific places. He is also leading his church not simply to collect attendees at their church but to actively plant from their membership.
The Shepherd’s Call: Ray Van Neste (video)
This is a modified version of what appeared previously in print and in audio. It is my attempt to demonstrate from Scripture and the testimony of the church across the ages the centrality of soul care, the oversight of souls, to the work of pastoral ministry.