I am pleased to say Forgotten Songs: Reclaiming the Psalms for Christian Worship (B&H), edited by Richard Wells and myself is now available. At Amazon you can see the table of contents as well as preview the book quite well. The preface and conclusion will give you a feel for the aim of the book.
I am truly hopeful that the book might encourage people and churches to re-engage the psalms in private and corporate worship. For my part, this book is the fruit of my own personal journey in re-engaging the Psalms, drawn by the scriptural exhortations and the testimony of the church across the ages. My life has been deeply enriched, my prayers have been expanded and strengthened, and my worship enhanced by an increasing engagement with the psalms over the last several years. I, and my family with me, am only getting started, and I hope others will join in.
Working with the contributors to this book has been a rich blessing. I have learned much from the fine work of Richard, my co-editor, and our contributors, Ray Ortlund, Jack Collins, Leland Ryken, John Witvliet, Calvin Seerveld, Craig Blaising, Douglas Bond, James Grant, Richard Joiner, and Mike Garrett.
I hope the book may be useful to you.