John Brown of Haddington on Frequent Communion

Kudos to Gregory Soderberg for this new edition of this important essay by John Brown of Haddington! I have for years said this piece deserved republication for a new audience. You can see an earlier blog post here. At the time of that post, WorldCat only showed 3 copies of the booklet in the US. …

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The Lord’s Supper: Remembering and Proclaiming Christ Until He Comes

I have often commented on the Lord’s Supper here as I believe it is an important practice which has fallen on hard times in our churches and has a significant place in pastoral ministry. It was, therefore, an honor and privilege to contribute to Tom Schreiner and Matt Crawford’s edited volume, The Lord’s Supper: Remembering …

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Communion with Christ and with the Saints

“Communion with Christ and with the Saints” Isaac Watts Jesus invites His saintsTo meet around His board;Here pardoned rebels sit and holdCommunion with their Lord. For food He gives His flesh,He bids us drink His blood;Amazing favor, matchless graceOf our descending God! This holy bread and wineMaintains our fainting breath,By union with our Living Lord,And …

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J B Phillips on the Value of Communion

“We really show irreverence, we really dishonor Christ, when we refuse to believe that His Life, with its transforming and activating powers, can be resident in such people as ourselves.” (32) “It is obvious that the Christian life can be maintained without Holy Communion at all. Indeed, it is so maintained, for example, both by …

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J B Phillips on Awareness of Others in Communion

I have discussed at various other times the importance of the corporate element of our worship. This is also true in communion, as Phillips notes in these quotes: “Christians of every kind need to beware of pietistic individualism, and this no less true at the focal point of worship than at any other place in …

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J B Phillips on Lack of Appreciation of Communion

Following on from yesterday’s post, Phillips in these quotes diagnosed (50+ years ago) a problem which is common in evangelical churches. I cite these quotes as a part of the call to reconsider our practice of communion so that we might appreciate anew the value of this practice which Christ Himself commanded, and which He …

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